what is operating system and its types ?

 Operating System  क्या होता है ?

दोस्तों इस समय  दुनिया में हर एक इंसान Technology से जुड़ा हुआ है।  यहाँ  तक की अगर आप ये Website देख रहे है  इस समय  ये भी Technology के माधयम से ही हो पा रहा है।  अगर आपके पास Mobile , Laptop या फिर tablet etc . नहीं होता तो क्या आप ये सब  देख पाते ? नहीं !! दोस्तों आप जो Mobile , laptop जो भी चला रहे है Operating system के माधयम से  चलता है तो हम इसी के बारे में जानेंगे की Operating system क्या  होता है ?

What is Operating System ?

An Operating system is a program that manages the computer hardware . it also provides a basis for application programs and acts as an intermediary between the computer user and the computer hardware . Some operating system are designed to be convenient other to efficient and other some combination of the two .

Easy interaction between human computer.
Starting computer automatically when power is turned on .
Controlling Input and Output .

Function Of Operating System

1- Process Management 
2- Memory Management
3- Storage Management 
4- Device or I/O Management 

Types Of Operating System

1- Time- Sharing operating system - it is an extension of multiprogramming . In this mode a number of users operate online with the same CPU , but each uses a different input/ output terminal.

2- Multiprocessing - Multiprocessing occurs when a computer system with two or more processors can run more than one program , or thread , at a given time by assigning them to different processors .

3- Multi-user Operating System - Multi-user is a term that defines an operating system that allows access for multiple user to the computer at the same time .

4- GUI - The Graphical User Interface allow user to have direct control of visible objects ( such as icons ) and actions that replace complex command syntax.

Commonly Used Operating System 

1- Windows 
2- Linux 
3- Unix

Windows -  Windows Operating system designed and produced by Microsoft Corporation . Similar to other operating system , windows makes a computer system user friendly by providing a graphical display and organizing information so that it can be easily accessed . The operating system utilizes icons and tools that simplify the complex performed by computer.

Windows 7 - is  a version of windows operating system . it is very popular for personal computer , including home and business desktop , laptop and media center . Windows 7 featured a new task- based Graphical user Interface . The start menu and taskbar were updated and many visual effects were added including .

Linux - Linus Torvalds , a young man studying computer science at the University of Helsinki , thought it would be a good idea to have some sort of freely available academic version of Unix , and Promptly started to code . Linux is a full Unix clone fit for use on workstation as well as on middle range and high end servers . it is a free and open source software .

Linux is an acceptable choice as a workstation , providing an easy user interface and MS compatible office application like word processors, spreadsheet , presentation and the like .

Some Advantages 

1- Linux is Free
2- Linux is portable to any hardware platform.
3- Linux was made to keep on running 
4- Linux is secure and versatile.

Unix - Unix is a Multi-user multi tasking operating system . You can have many users logged into a system together , each running many programs . Unix is also called layered operating system , The innermost layer is the hardware The provides the services for the OS , The operating is referred to in Unix as the Kernel.The kernel keeps each process and user separate and regulates access to system hardware , including cpu , memory disk and other I/O devices . it interacts directly with the hardware and provides the services to the user program .

Features Of Unix 

1- This is Best operating system for Programmers 
2- Simple user interface 
3- Multi - user ,Multi process system .

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